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The Bible Online

Brief descriptions of the different versions of the bible can be found at Bible Study Tools

30 versions of the bible including the Revised Standard Version (RSV), the King James Version, the 2011 version of the New International Version and The Message are at Bible Gateway

The bible page of Oremus is here

The New Testament Gateway is a directory of links for academic study of the New Testament and can be found here. The Old Testament Gateway is here.

The Biblical Studies Bulletin is here.

The Bishop of London and two rabbis based in London re-tell the story of Exodus as a 21st century news story (video 20 minutes) sponsored by London Internet Church at Missing Moses. London Internet Church is part of the Diocese of London, based at the Parish Church of St Stephen Walbrook.

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O Rex Gentium: the Sixth Advent Antiphon – 22 December

Latin: O Rex Gentium, et desideratus earum,lapisque angularis, qui facis utraque unum:veni, et salva hominem,quem de limo formasti. English: O King of the Gentiles and their desired One, the Cornerstone...

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Anglicanism and Technology: “For things to remain the same, everything must change” – Iain Little

I fear for Anglicanism, or at least the liberal, discerning version that we practice in our rainy corner of Northern Europe. Above all I fear for its relevance. More Britons play chess each week than go...

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‘That Was The Church That Was’: Review by Richard Ashby

For those not old enough to remember, ‘That Was the Week That Was’ was a satirical television programme of the 1960s, starring David Frost, Millicent Martin, Bernard Levin and Willie Rushton...

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