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Posts Tagged "ebuzzing":

Social Media Metrics – Again!

It’s a while since we have discussed social media metrics. And there’s no particular reason to do so again, except that I have discovered that the blogs on ‘religion and spirituality’ ranked every month by ebuzzing score remarkably differently on alexa, another highly-rated measure of websites (though not specifically blogs). And as it is a rather dreary Saturday afternoon, it seemed a good time to set this out for your entertainment. For that is what it is, surely – if the websites are rated so differently by the two algorithms, they are surely froth and bubble, not to be taken seriously?

In a sense, the most interesting results are the first two: there is a dramatic difference in the score for Adrian Warnock’s blog, which will not surprise anyone who knows it. In fact, according to Alexa, his blog scores 1,539 out of all US websites, surely an amazing feat!

Ebuzzing publishes 100 results, and I quailed after the first twenty, but that is because I am trying to make a general point rather than a specific one about individual ratings.

Vanity of vanities, as someone once said, all is vanity!


The image is copyright nopporn  via Shutterstock
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